Upgrading, downloading and Pyg Shell

Upgrading installed packages

New in version 0.3.

When you use the update command, Pyg searches through all installed packages and checks for updates. If there are some, Pyg installs them.

Before loading the entire list of installed packages, Pyg checks the ~/.pyg/installed_packages.txt file. If it exists Pyg will update only packages in that file:

$ pyg update
Cache file not found: $HOME/.pyg/installed_packages.txt
Loading list of installed packages...
15 packages loaded
Searching for updates
A new release is avaiable for simplejson: 2.1.5 (old 2.1.3)
Do you want to upgrade? (y/[n]) y
Upgrading simplejson to 2.1.5
        Installing simplejson-2.1.5.tar.gz...
            Installing simplejson-2.1.5.tar.gz
            Running setup.py egg_info for simplejson
            Running setup.py install for simplejson
            simplejson installed successfully


Updating finished successfully

$ pyg update
Loading list of installed packages...
Reading cache...
15 packages loaded
Searching for updates
A new release is avaiable for wadllib: 1.2.0 (old 1.1.8)
Do you want to upgrade? (y/[n]) n
wadllib has not been upgraded
A new release is avaiable for launchpadlib: 1.9.8 (old 1.9.7)
Do you want to upgrade? (y/[n]) n
launchpadlib has not been upgraded
Updating finished successfully

Downloading packages

New in version 0.2.

If you only need to download a package you can use the download command:

$ pyg download packname

If the requirement is not satisfied Pyg won’t download anything:

$ pyg download pyg==1024
E: Did not find files to download
-u, --unpack

After downloading a package, Pyg unpacks it:

$ pyg download -u pypol_
Found egg file for another Python version: 2.6. Continue searching...
Retrieving data for pypol_
Writing data into pypol_-0.5-py2.7.egg
pypol_ downloaded successfully
Unpacking pypol_-0.5-py2.7.egg to ./pypol_-0.5-py2.7
$ l
pypol_-0.5-py2.7/  pypol_-0.5-py2.7.egg
-d <path>, --download-dir <path>

Where to download the package, default to . (current working directory):

$ pyg download -d /downloads/python_downloads/ pyg

If the path does not exist, Pyg will create it.

-p <ext>, --prefer <ext>

The preferred file type for the download. Pyg looks for that file type and, if it does not exists, will try another extension:

$ pyg download -p .tar.gz pyg
Retrieving data for pyg
Writing data into pyg-0.1.tar.gz
pyg downloaded successfully

$ pyg download -p .egg pyg
Retrieving data for pyg
Writing data into pyg-0.1-py2.7.egg
pyg downloaded successfully

$ pyg download -p .myawesomeext pyg
Retrieving data for pyg
Writing data into pyg-0.1-py2.7.egg
pyg downloaded successfully

Pyg Shell

New in version 0.4.

If you need to execute many Pyg commands and you need root privileges (for example on Unix systems), you can fire up Pyg Shell and you are done:

$ pyg shell

Now you can use all Pyg’s commands plus 3 shell commands: cd, pwd, and ls:

pyg:/home/user$ check pyg
pyg:/home/user$ check pyg==0.3.2
pyg:/home/user$ ls
pkgtools  pyg
pyg:/home/user$ pwd
pyg:/home/user$ cd pyg
pyg:/home/user/pyg$ pwd
pyg:/home/user/pyg$ install sphinx
sphinx is already installed
pyg:/home/user/pyg$ install -U sphinx
sphinx is already installed, upgrading...
Looking for sphinx releases on PyPI
Best match: Sphinx==1.0.7
Downloading Sphinx
Checking md5 sum
Running setup.py egg_info for Sphinx
Running setup.py install for Sphinx
Installing dependencies...
    Jinja2>=2.2 is already installed
    docutils>=0.5 is already installed
    Pygments>=0.8 is already installed
Finished installing dependencies
Sphinx installed successfully
pyg:/home/user/pyg$ cd
pyg:/home/user$ exit