Some minor stuff

The list command

You can use this command to list all package’s avaiable versions:

$ pyg list pypol_
0.5 installed

$ pyg list itertools_recipes

If that package is installed, Pyg will add installed after the current version.

Checking installed packages

If you want to check if a package is installed, you can use the check command:

$ pyg check packname

Some examples:

$ pyg check pyg
$ pyg check pyg==42
$ pyg check pyg==0.1.2
$ pyg check pyg==0.1.3

Searching PyPI

Pyg can perform searches on PyPI with the search command:

$ pyg search pypol_
pypol_  0.5 - Python polynomial library
pypolkit  0.1 - Python bindings for polkit-grant

$ pyg search distribute
distribute  0.6.15 - Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
virtualenv-distribute - Virtual Python Environment builder

Linking directories

If you want to add a directory to PYTHONPATH permanently the link command is what you need:

$ pyg link dirname

When you link a directory Pyg add in a .pth file the dir’s path.


If you want to remove a directory from PYTHONPATH you can use the unlink command. Pyg can remove a directory from PYTHONPATH only if that directory has been added previously.

Remove all links in the .pth file.