Requirement files and bundles

Freezing requirements

Changed in version 0.7: From Pyg 0.7 onwards, this command has been renamed pyg site.

When you launch:

$ pyg site

Pyg tries to detect all installed packages and prints requirements on Standard Output:

# Python version: '2.7.1+ (r271:86832, Apr 11 2011, 18:05:24) \n[GCC 4.5.2]'
# Python version info: ''
# Python Prefix: '/usr'
# Platform: 'linux-i686'
# Pyg version: '0.6'


Note that the first lines – information about the site – are commented, so that if they’re written into a requirement file, they will be ignored.

-f <path>, --file <path>

Write requirements into the specified file. Equivalent to:

$ pyg site > reqfile.txt
-c, --count

Return the number of installed packages:

$ pyg site -c
-n, --no-info

Do not add site information:

$ pyg site -n


The bundle format is specific to Pip (see Pip documentation). To create a bundle do:

$ pyg bundle app.pyb package_name

This will download all packages (including dependencies) and put them in a bundle file. Install packages from a bundle is dead simple, and you don’t need internet access:

$ pyg install app.pyb

For example, here is Pyg bundle:

$ pyg bundle pyg.pyb pyg
        Retrieving data for pyg [100% - 472.3 Kb / 472.3 Kb]
        Writing data into pyg-0.6.tar.gz
        pyg downloaded successfully
        Looking for pyg dependencies
                Found: setuptools
                Found: pkgtools>=0.4
                Found: argh>=0.14
        Retrieving data for argh [100% - 11.4 Kb / 11.4 Kb]
        Writing data into argh-0.14.0.tar.gz
        argh downloaded successfully
        Looking for argh>=0.14 dependencies
        Retrieving data for pkgtools [100% - 28.7 Kb / 28.7 Kb]
        Writing data into pkgtools-0.6.tar.gz
        pkgtools downloaded successfully
        Looking for pkgtools>=0.4 dependencies
        Retrieving data for setuptools [100% - 250.8 Kb / 250.8 Kb]
        Writing data into setuptools-0.6c11.tar.gz
        setuptools downloaded successfully
        Looking for setuptools dependencies
Finished processing dependencies
Adding packages to the bundle
Adding the manifest file

You can download the generated example bundle from here (direct link to download).

-r <path>, --req-file <path>

New in version 0.5.

Specify requirement files containing packages to add. This option can be repeated many times:

$ pyg bundle bundlename.pybundle -r myreqs.txt -r other_reqs ...
-e <requirement>, --exclude <requirement>

New in version 0.5.

Specify packages to exclude from the bundle (can be repeated many times):

$ pyg bundle pyg.pyb pyg -e argh -e "pkgtools<=0.3"
-d, --use-develop

New in version 0.7.

If specified, for every package look for a local (develop) package. If it does not find it, it will download it from PyPI:

$ pyg bundle pyg pyg -d
        Looking for a local package...
        Looking for pyg dependencies
                Found: setuptools
                Found: pkgtools>=0.6.1
                Found: argh
        Looking for a local package...
        Cannot find the location of argh
        Retrieving data for argh [100% - 11.4 Kb / 11.4 Kb]
        Writing data into argh-0.14.0.tar.gz
        argh downloaded successfully
        Looking for argh dependencies
        Looking for a local package...
        Looking for pkgtools>=0.6.1 dependencies
        Looking for a local package...
        Cannot find the location of setuptools
        Retrieving data for setuptools [100% - 250.8 Kb / 250.8 Kb]
        Writing data into setuptools-0.6c11.tar.gz
        setuptools downloaded successfully
        Looking for setuptools dependencies
Finished processing dependencies
Adding packages to the bundle
Adding the manifest file


New in version 0.7.

Packs are zip files containing an egg (which includes all necessary packages) and some Python executable files ( The pack command has the following syntax:

pyg pack {packname} {package} [{options}, ...]

Its name can either have the .zip extension or not, and can be a path.

You can create a pack with the following command:

$ pyg pack pyg
Generating the bundle...
        Retrieving data for pyg [100% - 472.3 Kb / 472.3 Kb]
        Writing data into pyg-0.6.tar.gz
        pyg downloaded successfully
        Looking for pyg dependencies
                Found: setuptools
                Found: pkgtools>=0.4
                Found: argh>=0.14
        Retrieving data for argh [100% - 11.4 Kb / 11.4 Kb]
        Writing data into argh-0.14.0.tar.gz
        argh downloaded successfully
        Looking for argh>=0.14 dependencies
        Retrieving data for pkgtools [100% - 27.2 Kb / 27.2 Kb]
        Writing data into pkgtools-0.6.1.tar.gz
        pkgtools downloaded successfully
        Looking for pkgtools>=0.4 dependencies
        Retrieving data for setuptools [100% - 250.8 Kb / 250.8 Kb]
        Writing data into setuptools-0.6c11.tar.gz
        setuptools downloaded successfully
        Looking for setuptools dependencies
Finished processing dependencies
Adding packages to the bundle
Generating EGG-INFO...

For example, Pyg Pack has the following structure:

    ├── pyg.egg

As you can see, there are already some executable files (Pyg looks for them in the packages’ entry_points.txt file) and you can run them without installing Pyg: everything necessary is in pyg.egg. Amazing!

If you want to try it, download it from here (direct link to download), unpack it and run the file. You will be able to use Pyg without installing it!

-e <requirement>, --exclude <requirement>

Specify packages to exclude from the pack (can be repeated many times):

$ pyg pack pyg -e argh -e "pkgtools<=0.3"


If you exclude some packages from the pack it is very likely that its executables will not work, without some dependencies.

-d, --use-develop

If specified, for every package look for a local (develop) distribution. If it does not find it, it will download it from PyPI.

On certain systems (probably Unix-like ones) the pack command with this option enabled may require root privileges, because Pyg will run the sdist command (python sdist) for every local distribution.

(See also bundle -d.)

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Installing and removing packages

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Upgrading, downloading and Pyg Shell

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